Until the end of the Second World War, Carl Schmitt led a sociable life with numerous contacts to scholars, politicians and artists at home and abroad; at the same time, he was a passionate letter writer and sought-after correspondence partner. This world collapsed in 1945. Returning to his home town of Plettenberg in 1947, he began an extensive mailing campaign of his own publications in order to counter the isolation of his ‘exile’ in the provinces. The list of recipients of Carl Schmitt’s books and offprints from 1947 to the mid-1970s is an important source for the network of the scholar living in the ‘safety of silence’ in the Sauerland region.

llustration from the list of recipients, which Schmitt compiled in a bound notebook measuring 18 x 21.5 cm (page 0039). The front endpaper reads: ‘Beautiful lists, clear lists, / Black and white and green and red.’
List of recipients of monographs and offprints from 1947 to 1974
The Carl Schmitt Society has reconstructed the persons to whom Schmitt sent or lent books, essays and other items on the basis of the handwritten notes that have been preserved. The list of persons and the list of titles of the works sent can be opened by clicking on the corresponding image to the left of this text.
Duschka's guest book 1939 to 1943
The handwritten list of invitations kept by Duschka Schmitt provides an insight into social life in the Schmitt household during the Berlin period

The guest book of Duschka Schmitt (8 January 1938 – 12 February 1943)
The list of invitations handwritten by Duschka Schmitt can be found in the Carl Schmitt estate, Landesarchiv NRW, Abtlg. Rheinland with the signature NRW R RWB No. 0260 00467.
The list contains the alphabetically sorted names of the invitees and the date of the invitation. As far as possible, brief biographical details are included. Further details are missing for some names.